Four Tips For Keeping Your Pet Safe This Spring

You might be well aware of all the safety tips of keeping your pet safe in the summer heat and the winter cold that also brings on lots of home guests. However, you might not be aware that the spring season also presents a wide range of dangers. Here are four tips to help you keep your pet safe this spring: Be Aware of Easter Goodies: If you have kids in the house, chances are, you are going to be hiding all their Easter goodies around the house for their Easter egg hunt in the morning. [Read More]

3 Human Medications Your Dog May Benefit From

Caring for your dog will become overwhelming at times. From grooming and training to feeding and providing medical care, it is easy to see the challenges of this new family member. Unfortunately, caring for your dog can become even more stressful if they become ill. While you should always consult the veterinarian, certain conditions can be managed using medications that you consume periodically. Here are a few human medications that can be given to your dog if they are in need. [Read More]

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Buy A Puppy From A Pet Store

If you are thinking about adding a dog to your family, your first instinct might be to head to a local pet store to pick one out. However, in many cases, buying a puppy from a pet store is not the best idea. These are a few reasons why you may want to reconsider this idea and look into other options instead. 1. They're Expensive Pet stores are out to make a profit, and the puppies that they sell -- especially purebred puppies or " [Read More]

Two Reasons Why Your Veterinary Clinic Should Set Up Mobile Services

If you are a veterinarian, you are likely accustomed to working out of a physical location and waiting while pet owners bring their furry friends to you.  Because this is the traditional way of doing things, it may not have ever crossed your mind to start up a mobile division, like Moon Mobile Veterinary Services LLC.  However, starting a mobile veterinary clinic could prove to be highly beneficial for you.  Use this information to learn more about why your veterinary practice should go mobile. [Read More]